Monday 31 March 2014

The monsoon flood/ summary

The author woke up to the sound of water lapping against her house. Through the door where the rice fields used to be. Because over night the river had Brocken it's bank. Her mother gathered up clothes, blankets and food. They ran to the temple where it would be safe. Waterways coming through the door. "Maung!" Her mother called. She pointed to the rice pot. It's floating away. A sudden swirl snatches it away. She leaps after it. She can hear her mother calling. She takes another swing. She missed. She could feel her feet getting swept away. A brunch pokes her in the back. She grabs it. She hoists her self onto the trunk. She can see a bush covered island. She uses her hand to paddle and to stair. She bumps into a island. She leaps off. "It feels good to be on hard ground" she says. An island is only 1 meter away. The rain started to rain again. The river rises much more. She runs up and down trying to find something to use as a raft because her trunk has been swept away. Se knows her mother will be worrying. I hope my little sister is safe. She had a sudden picture of her mother praying to lord Buddha. She see's an island quite close. I know I can swim across. "Might there be village among the trees" she says. She starts yelling "help". No one answers. Shouting some more. All she can hear is sounds of rivers and lakes. She gives another yell for help, more like a whale really. She shouts again. "Help ,help". She gazes at the opposite bank. Something moves. As an elephant breaks out of the forest and looks across to a island where the girl was. I jump and wave yelling "over here". The elephant rises it's trunk and trumpets buldy as if it was answering her. She could tell it was a female because it had no tusks. The elephant picks her up and goes stoping back into the forest. She could tell the elephant knew where it was going.


Tuesday 25 March 2014

The crazy adventures of the haunted house!!!!!


 I slowly walked my way in the broken brown door. It gradually opened as I saw something,  something black and white with no legs. The room was filled with the smell of musty wet socks.  My nerves slowly crawled through me. Walking in the hallway. Creak, creak, creak the wood  wouldn't stop chattering. My body felt curious. Walking up the steps. I saw an old window with  cob webs covering every corner like a white blanket. Hearing wood creaking and rats  squeaking.  The doors were hanging off the wall and the floor was broken and burnt. Walking  further and  further. I saw old beds, dead grey rats, wholes every where and creepy hand  marks all over the  wall. Seeing burnt toys and blood stains on every bit of clothing. I could just  fell my tension  coming to haunt me. I could feel I tight knot in my stomach getting tighter and  tighter. Stepping into  the attic I could see boxes and old prams. There were tapes coloured bronze.  I could burnt meet.  The dusty carpet was filled with gooey, green water. walking back down      the black broken stairs,  through the old living room, Through the hall way and out the door.  Something behind me  made a big boo! I fell over I could no linger see what was there.

Slash Splash Splash!!!!


Waiting, Waiting, Waiting that's all I could do. I was ready to go. My body was as stiff as a stick. Slowly feeling a army of nerves marching through me. But the only thing I could think about is winning. On the board ready to spring. My face was as red as a tomato. It felt like I was on fire. Beep went the horn. We all leaped of like a bunch of crazy maniacs. My legs were the boss. This is no time to slow down I thought. My team is counting on me. Swimming as fast as a fish my body just couldn't handle it any more. Reaching out to the blue wall. I had claimed victory I just bet Madaline by a split second. I was breathless. Hopping out of the pool. Water was running down me as if I was a waterfall. I was as cold as is 1 million ice cubes were covering my body just like a blue blanket covering every gab. I could slowly feel the nerves crawling away. I tumbled over to receive what was mine.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

My dogs.


These are my 2 dogs Gessy and Sindy. They are so cuddly. They are both the same breed. They grow really long hair. Comment below and tell me if you know what type of breed they are. Also tell me witch one is Sindy and witch one is Gessy. there is a clue in the writing.



Friday 14 March 2014

About Me.

                                                                            ABOUT ME

Hi my name is Georgia and I am 10 years old and I go to Auroa school. My favourite sports are Touch rugby and Rippa rugby. The most fun thing about school is Swimming, Writing and Brakes. All my friends at school are Katelyn, Ellie, Lara, Danielle, Madaline and jade. My favourite foods are Popcorn, Wraps and many sweets. I have 4 dogs called Gessy, Sindy, Zofe and Ellie. I also have 3 cats called Ginge, and Snuggles. I also have 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters so that makes me the smallest in the family. My favourite teachers are Mr Field and Mr Spice.